Author Topic: Display List of All Project Files  (Read 9278 times)


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Display List of All Project Files
« on: March 24, 2009, 06:12:38 PM »
Command Name:

Written For:
SlickEdit 11.0.2

I frequently need to get a list of all of the files in my SlickEdit project for various purposes (i.e. creating a spreadsheet that lists the files that need to be code reviewed, etc).  Unfortunately, I've not found a feature in SlickEdit that allows you to export all of the files in a project to a text file so they can quickly be coppied and pasted elsewhere.  The Project Properties dialog box displays all of the files included in the project, but unfortunately it will not let you export the file names or even copy them for pasting elsewhere.

Thus I wrote this command which creates a list of all files in the currently active project to a new buffer named "FileListResults.txt".  This buffer may then be saved or the file names may just be coppied for pasting elsewhere.  The arguments to the command are the same arguments used for the strip_filename() function in stdprocs.e ("P" - strips the path from the filename, "D" strips the drive from the file name, "E" - strips the extension from the file name, and "N" - strips the name from the file name).  Multiple arguments may be specified such as: list-project-files "DP".  This will display all file names in the project without the path or directory.

Save the macro file locally and load it via Macro > Load.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2009, 08:04:55 PM by rdsuel »