I've been able to change the form but cannot reproduce what I did, it always seems to be a bit of luck.
I have tried loading the form as a module, (with the include "vslick.sh" at the top) and then calling it from my macro with no luck. I also tried commenting out the include statement and then just including the form file into my macro file.
If I unload the form and macros, and then change the source of the form, and reload that module, the changes are NOT reflected. Even if I unload, quit the program, come back and load it. No good.
What DOES work is if I change the form name. If I just change the name then the changes are reflected. But this is very annoying-- every time I make a change to my form I have to for example change "_form gui" to "_form gui2" and then in my show statement change it there as well.
But I think the fact that if rename it changes immediately take effect mean SlickEdit is keeping the old forms in memory, even when I unload the modules. I will look into the -sc switch as well. Thanks for the reply!