In the past I wrote a set of tools that let me access many of the SQL Server features like executing TSQL code into a server of my choosing, and getting a list of stored procedures and all that sort of stuff.
I did this by shelling things like isql.exe with appropriate command line arguments and invoking specific DDL or TSQL scripts to accomplish my goal. I build menus and drop downs to let you select your current server username password database and whatever.
Pretty much made SE into Query Analyzer on steroids.
I uninstalled these scripts because I found it a bit slow to work with shelling and capturing output to hard files and all that.
Now I am ready to revisit SE as my primary SQL tool, but in order to do the same things I believe the correct functionality should use SMO or DMO calls. However, I can't seem to find an example of calling out to .NET or ActiveX COMM objects. So am I stuck with only using "SHELL" and some executable?