I am using SE v13.0.1.0 to work with Microchip's 32-bit processor. The GCC based compiler tool suite provides some #define's to simplify the definition of an interrupt service routine, for example,
#define __ISR(v, ipl) __attribute__((vector(v), interrupt(ipl), nomips16))
/* the real function name is CoreTimerIntHandler, __ISR() is just an easy way to specify gcc __attribute__ */
void __ISR(_CORE_TIMER_VECTOR, ipl3) CoreTimerIntHandler(void)
This seems to screw up the SE's ability to parse the function name because it thinks the function name is __ISR() and ignore the rest, as shown in the Defs window. Is there anything that can be done in SE to ignore a symbol such as __ISR() in this case?