With this patch to saveload.e you can also setup subdir-specific save options (e.g. disable backup) in your VSLICK.ini (not only whole drives):
_str build_save_options(_str filename)
_str options=def_save_options, option = '';
_str env_options=get_env(_SLICKSAVE), env_option = '';
_str driveprefix = substr (filename, 1, pathlen (filename));
for (;;)
parse env_options with env_option option env_options;
if (env_options=='' && env_option=='') break;
if (pos (env_option, driveprefix, 1, 'I'))
options=options " " option;
// HS2: orginal code
// _str options=def_save_options;
// _str env_options=get_env(_SLICKSAVE);
// _str driveletter=substr(absolute(filename),1,1);
// if ( env_options!='' && isalpha(driveletter) &&
// pos(driveletter'\:{?*}(?\:|$)',env_options,1,'ri')) {
// options=options " "substr(env_options,pos('S0'),pos('0'));
// }
_str ext=get_extension(filename);
if ( pos(' .'ext' ',' 'def_tab_ext' ',1,_fpos_case) ) {
options=options' +t';
if (def_maxbackup!='' && p_buf_size>=def_maxbackup) {
options=options' +o';
Sample VSLICK.ini line:
VSLICKSAVE=D:\Private\CryptVol +O H: +O
which disables backups for the 'D:\Private\Vol' subdir and whole drive H: (e.g. in a global backup dir somewhere else)
I needed this for a subdir-mounted crypted volume, where I don't want to get 'public' backups in my global backup dir

Maybe it's worth to add this to the product.
BTW: Same method can be used in build_load_options().