Author Topic: configuration - how to make it that closing bracket of a block will be highlight  (Read 5731 times)


  • New Community Member
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HI ,
I'm working with slick edit on a c project.
this feature used to work , but for some reason ( maybe I played with the configuration..) it's not highlighting/marking the closing bracket when the cursor is at the opening bracket.
how can I make it that closing bracket of a block will be highlighted when the cursor is placed on the opening bracket
I'd appreciate your advise


  • Senior Community Member
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This is available at least since SE v12.0.3 thru configuration 'Paren match style' or similar incl. 'Highlight matching blocks' (e.g. #ifdef #else #endif etc.)


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  • engineer/gearhead
SE 11.0.2:  paren matching highlighting worked properly.

SE 14.0.2:  paren matching highlighting works... but the background color fails to show when the paren is single-character, and shows ok when the paren is multi-character.

For example, in C/C++:

#if and #endif (multi-character symbols) are highlighted correctly (foreground and background color are both correct as setup in Options, just like I colored in this post).

{ and } (single-character symbols) are highlighted incorrectly (foreground color is ok, background colour does not show... see attached pic... the paren at the cursor has no background color).

« Last Edit: March 12, 2010, 08:57:38 PM by joecar »


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This is because of how the current cursor line background color combines with the highlight background color (it's not an alpha blend, it's some kind of decision tree).

I too would like the bracket highlight to always override the current cursor line background color, but there doesn't seem to be a way to do that currently.

You can play around with different background colors for the current cursor line and the bracket highlight until you find a combination that works.  Or you can turn off the current cursor line coloring (you can still have the ruler, even if you disable the background coloring).