Author Topic: Namespace for Custom Language?  (Read 3541 times)


  • Junior Community Member
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Namespace for Custom Language?
« on: June 14, 2010, 11:43:09 PM »
I've added support for a custom language using prg.e as a template, but context tagging seems limited to function definitions in my version of prg_proc_search.  

Is there any way to add support for namespaces?  Each script file in my project has a function called main(), but I don't see any way to provide a namespace for each version of that function.  

Ideally SlickEdit could understand the difference between foo::main() and bar::main().  Right now I have to select from every main() across the project.

EDIT: I'm using SlickEdit v
« Last Edit: June 15, 2010, 12:03:03 AM by bbulkley »