I'm running SlickEdit v11.02, with all of the hotfixes (as of Oct. 31st).
My OS is Fedora Core 5.
If I try to edit a filename that has a dollar sign in it ($), such as 'foo$bar.txt', I wind up with a buffer in slickedit for the file 'foo.txt'
This occurs if I try to edit with Slickedit in any of these ways:
- From the linux command line (eg: 'vs foo\$bar.txt')
- From the command line within Slickedit ('e foo\$bar.txt')
- From the File->Open dialog (The 'Files' list shows the files with non-escaped dollar signs, the 'File Name' entry shows the file name with an escaped dollar sign)
From my linux command line, I can issue a 'vi foo\$bar.txt' and a 'gedit foo\$bar.txt', so I don't believe this problem is tied to the OS.
Slickedit v11.02 for windows works OK editing these files.
I did a search through the forums and didn't find anything about this, I apologize if I missed it.
Thanks for any help!