Author Topic: Runnig slickedit on linux machien but getting error like windos ans crash  (Read 9176 times)


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Hi all,
I have a very strange problem...
I'm working on a linux machine (fedora 14), then slickedit crash and throw error messages like "error loading DLL", " DLLEXPORT" invalid DLL type 'int_xml_open(VSPSZ,VSSHEFVAR,int)'..... As if slickedit think it is running on a windows machine. on another machine, this does not happen.
Anyone has an idea?


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What version of SlickEdit are you using?  What were you doing when this happened?  What is the result of running "uname -a"?


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First.. sorry for the typos it was late...
Slickedit version is
uname -a  :  Linux
This happens immediately when I open slickedit. All the errors start to jump.  I have to kill the proccess. cannot close it.
Then I do:  rm -rf /home/user/.slickedit   and next time I open its ok, but closing then opening again - it comes back.
Any advise? 

ScottW, VP of Dev

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This is an older problem that popped up a while ago. SlickEdit 2009, v14, is not compatible with newer versions of Linux. While SlickEdit worked fine on the then current versions of Linux, a change in newer versions prevents SlickEdit 2009 from running. The problem was addressed in SlickEdit 2010. Regrettably, the only solution we have is to upgrade to a newer version of SlickEdit.


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Thenks for the answer. Looks we are going to upgrade...


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I have the same problem running Version  I upgraded to Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick:
Linux 2.6.35-27-generic #48-Ubuntu SMP Tue Feb 22 20:25:46 UTC 2011 x86_64 GNU/Linux

The first time I start SlickEdit after boot, I get many dll errors.  Also random crashes fairly frequently.

Does Slickedit 2010 fix the problem in such a way that I won't be forced to upgrade with next year's linux upgrade?   Is there a discount for those of us who are being forced to upgrade for this reason?  I wouldn't normally be upgrading at this point because there aren't any new features that I find compelling.

ScottW, VP of Dev

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Unfortunately, we cannot predict the consequences of future changes to operating systems. This is the first such change that I am aware of. So, I can't promise that it won't happen again, but we have no reason to believe that it will.

You should to contact our sales team to find inquire about any discounts. We recommend that all customers purchase a Maintenance and Support agreement. The cost is very reasonable and it is the best way to stay current with SlickEdit. Even if you don't see any compelling features in a particular release, there are often bug fixes and performance enhancements that you might find helpful.

Phil Barila

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+1 for Maintenance.  It takes a couple of years to spend as much for Maintenance as it does for an upgrade, and about 5 years of Maintenance is a full purchase.  Access to the Betas is sufficient motivation for me to ask for Maintenance when I ask my employer for SE.


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  • Jim Lang - always a student.
(me too!) - I never see anything in the feature list that seems compelling.   EVER.  But once I've upgraded and grown used to the new features, I don't know how I ever lived without them. 

And at that price, it's almost a no-brainer.  Maintenance is very much worth it.  (And the betas, for me, have always been usable even if buggy, so the early access to the editor is nice, too.)


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Re: Runnig slickedit on linux machien but getting error like windos ans crash
« Reply #9 on: December 06, 2011, 06:45:40 PM »
My message is to Scott, VP of Dev.
I have tried to contact your sales team. Maybe I have the wrong email address. What is it?
I have tried to see if there is an upgrade, and after registering my product more than a week ago, it still doesn't appear. You say that you have fixed this problem in a more recent release but you don't offer those who have VSE 2009 any fix! Why not? We spent hundred's; maybe thousands of dollars and it looks like you don't give a damn! You suggest we should take a maintenance contract? Why? You guys should pay for your mistakes!

No way I will ever buy your stuff again. No way I will ever recommend Visual Slick Edit. I regret that I had my bosses pay for it in the first place.


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Re: Runnig slickedit on linux machien but getting error like windos ans crash
« Reply #10 on: December 06, 2011, 09:06:42 PM »
Just a user here, but I don't see everything in the same light.

You suggest we should take a maintenance contract? Why?

The maintenance contract is to precisely fix the problem you are talking about, upgrades and changes, in both features and underlying OS changes.  In addition to providing technical support.  The cost is reasonable, much cheaper than buying an upgrade, even every 3-4 years.

You guys should pay for your mistakes!

I don't see a mistake on Slickedit's part.  Slickedit works perfectly on the versions of the OS it is designed for (and sold under).  It is your OS vendor who changed something out from underneath Slickedit.

I recommend down-grading your OS to fit the product you purchased, or maintain a support agreement.

Contact for the sales team can be found on the home-page:


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Re: Runnig slickedit on linux machien but getting error like windos ans crash
« Reply #11 on: December 06, 2011, 09:15:20 PM »
Once again, my message is for ScottW, VP of Dev.
Maybe if people like you wouldn't roll over so easily, people like me who expect to get what they paid for would receive better service.

Sorry. I am venting off anger!

Feeling very frustrated today with all these crashes.
« Last Edit: December 06, 2011, 09:30:37 PM by slickMS »


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Re: Runnig slickedit on linux machien but getting error like windos ans crash
« Reply #12 on: December 06, 2011, 09:46:21 PM »
I understand, vent away.  In my previous post, the link for the contact information was what you were requesting from Scott, not trying to imply where you should buy things from it :)  Sorry if it came across wrong.  I personally recommend calling them at 1 919.473.0070, they have always been willing to work with my situation(s) in the past.

A good example is with the upcoming MAC version, any version of the MAC version in the past is able to upgrade to the latest MAC version for free, regardless of the support agreement status.  Because, honestly, the previous MAC versions were barely usable.  Similar situation, handled the right way, hope you can get the results you are looking for.


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Re: Runnig slickedit on linux machien but getting error like windos ans crash
« Reply #13 on: December 06, 2011, 10:07:01 PM »
I feel your pain.  I'd like to offer another perspective, too.

I use MS Windows.  Microsoft invests considerable time/energy/money to ensure the highest degree of compatibility with apps when upgrading to a new version of MS Windows.

I don't use Linux/etc, but from what I see in various forums on the internet, Linux doesn't invest as much in ensuring compatibility when upgrading.  As someone who works in the software industry, I would be pretty upset if a careless OS change broke my product for my customers.  I would try to solve the problem as part of normal support, but I would also have to consider my own costs in doing so -- for example if an old version got broken, I'm not sure that I would invest to keep updating old versions to work with various careless OS breakages over the years.  That's a potentially steep tax to eat as a business, just like it's a steep tax for customers to eat going in the other direction -- it's an ecosystem problem inherent to the OS.  In order for a software ecosystem to work well, all parties involved must have equally high standards of compatibility -- when the OS itself doesn't, it harms the whole ecosystem, not just individual customers or businesses.

I'm pretty happy with SlickEdit.  I've had my share of problems, and reported them to the SE team to help both the SE company and my fellow customers.  Overall it continues to be one of the best experiences I've had with any company.  But, I do keep up my yearly subscription because to me it's worth $60/year to keep up to date with features, performance improvements, redesigns, and so on.  I recognize that bulk licensing could expand the maintenance contract cost pretty quickly, but I have no experience there.  Also, I accept that SE supports a lot of stuff I don't care about, and that investing in all those things attenuates the investment in the areas I do care about -- because overall for me it's a great piece of software that's extremely valuable for my daily efforts.

Just my $0.02.
« Last Edit: December 06, 2011, 10:09:28 PM by chrisant »


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Re: Runnig slickedit on linux machien but getting error like windos ans crash
« Reply #14 on: December 06, 2011, 10:13:56 PM »
I also work in the software industry. Apart from having many products, we also support several, older releases and several flavors of Linux. While; as a software developer, this is not the most interesting aspect of my work, I do understand why the company spends money to do so. We will actually go back to an earlier release and fix a bug that has been reported in the field, even if we know that the bug has been fixed in our latest release. Of course, there are limits, and at some point we have to stop supporting an older release.

Thank you everyone, for your input. I will speak to my colleagues and see what they think.