I have to agree with alot of what jszakmeister says. I love slickedit.. been using it since version 5 and my company has had no problems upgrading us to every new release. But, every time I go to write a macro, I end up spending hours trying to find the functions to do what I need. Often, there's several that seem to do the same thing. To be honest, I haven't even tried for the past couple of releases. But my experience has been that Slick-C always seemed like the most powerful feature of the editor, but somewhat crippled by the difficulty to actually use it. It's always felt like a dozen developers hacked together various functions in Slick-C and someone came along and said "hey, cool! let's make these accessible to our customers". Yes, if I spent a few hours I could write a really cool macro that saves me time. However, it's hard to justify writing a macro to save 2 hours, when the macro takes 8 hours to write.
Just glancing through the Help file, the problem is apparent - "number2yesno", "strip_last_word", "_file_date", "_CheckLineLengths". There's no consistency, no way to "guess" what the function would be called, etc. Looking at the help for VS2007, the debug functions are nice Consistently named, the names more or less describe exactly what they do, and I feel like I could quickly find what I need. I think the best thing you could do to Slick-C is redo all of the public functions and make nice, clean APIs like this. I've looked around from time to time, and I've never really found slickedit macros on the net. I've always wondered why that was - either people wrote really cool macros and never shared them (or I just suck at finding them), or the learning curve was so high most people didn't bother.