Author Topic: Need help with project setup  (Read 4207 times)


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Need help with project setup
« on: May 16, 2011, 05:44:57 PM »
I have an Ubuntu 10.04 64-bit development system at work that I usually access remotely from home.

I am working on a project that has a ton of source code scattered through a large directory structure.

I created the slick project as the base of this directory tree and let it do its thing with the tagging and all.

When I run SlickEdit directly on the development machine it seems to work fine.

When I am accessing my development machine from home I use sshfs to mount the directory structure on my home system.

In this case execution of SlickEdit is terrible due to the network overhead.

Is there some way I can set this up such that it will not be so sluggish?


Lowell aka Cybercops

ScottW, VP of Dev

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Re: Need help with project setup
« Reply #1 on: May 16, 2011, 06:29:41 PM »
Are you running SlickEdit on your home system or accessing a remote instance of SlickEdit running on your development machine?

If you are running SlickEdit at home and accessing remote source, it is best to still have the SlickEdit workspace (.vpw), project (.vpj), and tag (.vtg) files stored locally. You should also be sure that you have the config file stored locally.These are referenced fairly often by SlickEdit and the additional latency can be a problem.

What specific performance issues are you seeing? Each will be the result of different latencies. For example, if it takes a long time to open a source file, it could be that the network latency of the remote source is very high. If it is that completions are very slow, then having the tag files local should fix that.

There is some excellent material in the User Guide related to this. From the main menu, select Help > Contents and check out Introduction > Performance Tuning > File Locations.

Also, you should close the Projects tab and be careful about opening it. It tends to crawl through the project structure. With a large remote codebase, that can cause performance issues. You should also avoid using wildcard projects with large, remote codebases. This would show up as a problem if it takes SlickEdit a long time to wake up after switching applications.

Let us know if this helps. If you're still having issues we can try some more things.


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Re: Need help with project setup
« Reply #2 on: May 16, 2011, 06:55:37 PM »
I am running SlickEdit on my home machine.

I will try moving the vp* files to my local machine to see if that helps.



ScottW, VP of Dev

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Re: Need help with project setup
« Reply #3 on: May 17, 2011, 06:20:42 PM »
Be sure to close the Projects tab, too. That thing can really hammer performance with a large remote codebase.