I try
www.slickedit.com: Empty page
I try slickedit.com: Empty page
OK, community.slickedit.com works.
I try IE in stead of Firefox: Empty page
So I try and send an email to support@slickedit.com: I get back an email "SlickEdit Support Case Failure"
We were unable to match your email with the subject “Slickedit Website is not accessible†to an open case in our support system. If you were replying to an existing case, please include the case number (in the format of CAS-#####-####) in your subject line.
If you wish to open a new case please submit your request using the in-product mechanism:
* From within SlickEdit® via Help > Contact Product Support
* For SlickEdit® Core for Eclipse™ you can do this via Help > SlickEdit Support Web Site and click on the "Open a Support Case" link
Alternatively, if your product is not running you can submit your request on the SlickEdit Website at
So I tried "Contact Product Support", which then opened a new tab in Firefox with an empty page. DUH!
And of course
http://customer.slickedit.com/supportcase/ also gave an empty page.
SO: I'm still not sure if it's my side, but maybe someone can let me know here.