Author Topic: Mangled .VCProj  (Read 3212 times)


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Mangled .VCProj
« on: October 12, 2011, 10:41:58 PM »
It's handy to be able to add files to my *.VCPROJ files from Slick.
The resulting VCProj files are OK with VisualStudio 2008, but there are a bunch of unnecessary edits which makes source control unhappy (try resolving merge conflicts - not fun!).
For example, it likes to replace double-quote (") with (").
The original project file was this:
And slick changes it to:

By far the worst though is that the <Filter> containers under <files> are rearranged - making diffing pretty terrible.

This is simple to repro:
Copy Something.vcproj Something.SAVE.vcproj
Edit Something.vcproj using VS.exe to add new files.
Save all
WINDIFF Something.vcproj Something.SAVE.vcproj

You will see tons of changes.