Author Topic: Debug with gdb produces "Error opening file: path not found"  (Read 4022 times)


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Debug with gdb produces "Error opening file: path not found"
« on: November 03, 2011, 08:56:29 PM »
[Any suggestions on how to analyze what's going on with SE greatly appreciated ...]

I'm debugging using SE and gdb on linux, with a project file that's been stable for months (archived under svn, so that I can verify no changes). Starting yesterday, when I selected Debug/Start from the menu, I got a dialog reporting Error opening file: path not found (no information on the name of the file it could not open). The call stack shows it stuck in main, but not my main(). It won't respond to continue or single-step.

I thought it dialog might nean it couldn't find the executable, but if I delete the exe, I get a different dialog which reports the name of the missing exe.

If I debug the program from gdb directly, in a bash shell, everything works fine.

The log file (~/.slickedit/16.0.0/logs/vs.log) doesn't show anything relevant (the last entry was from a few days ago).

Code: [Select]
SlickEdit 2011 (v16.0.0.6 64-bit)
OS: Linux
OS Version: CentOS release 5.5 (Final)
Kernel Level: 2.6.18-194.3.1.el5
Build Version: #1 SMP Thu May 13 13:08:30 EDT 2010
Processor Architecture: x86_64


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Re: Debug with gdb produces "Error opening file: path not found"
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2015, 12:37:41 AM »
I got this again today, with no changes in the project file for the last 5 months. Closing all the file buffers didn't help. Quitting and restarting slickedit didn't help.
What did finally help: deleting all of the breakpoints. Maybe this happens when a breakpoint is set for a file which is no longer there?