Author Topic: SlickEdits "Modified" gdb on Linux. What does it offer?  (Read 3550 times)


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SlickEdits "Modified" gdb on Linux. What does it offer?
« on: March 23, 2012, 02:48:11 AM »
Hi everyone

So apparently SlickEdit on Linux requires a modified version of GDB
Here is a quote from documentation "...Debugging for GNU C/C++ programs uses a customized version of GDB...".  And here is the website for the code.

At work we are using 64-bit GNU ( and also intel ) compiler and version 6.8.x debugger.
All GDB's up to version 7.1 work.  The latest SlickEdit ships with a version 7.2 debugger which doesn't work.  ( I'm guessing it has their modifications in there too )

So I managed to get things working by forcing SlickEdit to make use of our 64bit 6.8.x debugger by making a new debugger configuration and setting it as native default. 
Yay, I have interactive IDE-based debugging.  :)

So my question. 
What does SlickEdits "modified" debugger give us over the standard debugger?
Is there any advantage to me compiling ( or whatever ) and making use of SlickEdits modified debugger?

Brian Sharpe


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Re: SlickEdits "Modified" gdb on Linux. What does it offer?
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2012, 08:52:49 AM »
So I've had a reply from customer support. 

She's was a non-developer, so was not certain, but basically its not "customized or modified" at all.  Its just a specific build so they can guarantee a consistency between the SlickEditor and GDB versions.


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Re: SlickEdits "Modified" gdb on Linux. What does it offer?
« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2012, 05:39:24 PM »
Thank you for making us aware of that error in the documentation.

The GDB we ship is built directly from the GNU source for GDB 7.2.  We only supply the source tar balls on our site in order to comply with GPL license requirements.

In earlier releases of SlickEdit, we integrated a small bug fix into the symbol lookup for performance.  That fix is no longer necessary.