Hi everyone
So apparently SlickEdit on Linux requires a modified version of GDB
Here is a quote from documentation "...Debugging for GNU C/C++ programs uses a customized version of GDB...". And here is the website for the code.
http://www.slickedit.com/php/gdb/index.phpAt work we are using 64-bit GNU ( and also intel ) compiler and version 6.8.x debugger.
All GDB's up to version 7.1 work. The latest SlickEdit ships with a version 7.2 debugger which doesn't work. ( I'm guessing it has their modifications in there too )
So I managed to get things working by forcing SlickEdit to make use of our 64bit 6.8.x debugger by making a new debugger configuration and setting it as native default.
Yay, I have interactive IDE-based debugging.
So my question.
What does SlickEdits "modified" debugger give us over the standard debugger?
Is there any advantage to me compiling ( or whatever ) and making use of SlickEdits modified debugger?
Brian Sharpe