editorsdit does not have a "system event handler" mechanism that is found in some other edtors. This is a predefined exit point where a separate function is invoked by SlickEdit.
I currently have one that is implemented by inserting a direct call to my function in SlickEdit it gains control whenever a Save occurs and I do some custom processing. In 11.0.1 it is inserted at ...
line 1075
tlaEventSave( cmdline, flags ); // Call Third Party Save Event Exit
The problem is that every time new release of SlickEdit comes out I have to find the new location to insert the call to my function.
It would be great id there was a NOP (a comment would do) maintained at that location by SlickEdit that said
line 1075
// SlickEdit System Exit - Save
When a new vestions was installed I would simply do a replace, reload (er. recompile) files.e, and my "exit" would be activated.
Are you capturing control at other SlickEdit locations to do special things?
Would a "SlickEdit maintained" comment at that location be helpful to you?
... Thom