Author Topic: No menu on right mouse click  (Read 2522 times)


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No menu on right mouse click
« on: January 23, 2013, 11:14:03 PM »
For some reason I no longer get a context menu when I right click in SlickEdit (Linux with hotfix 5 installed).  I'm running on Ubuntu 12.04, 32-bit.

I've checked the mouse button binding an RButtonDn is bound to mou-click-menu-block, and I've tried running with a 'clean' configuration (using the -sc option).  The problem persists.

I have found that if I uncheck the "Tools/Options...Editing/Selections/Enable clock selections with right-click and drag" option I get the context menu back when I right-click.  However, I like to do the block selection on drag occasionally. 

I'm sure that both of these were working earlier today; does anyone have an idea where I should look?