Author Topic: B6: Tagging and deleteing buffers is slow again  (Read 2541 times)


  • Senior Community Member
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B6: Tagging and deleteing buffers is slow again
« on: June 03, 2013, 11:04:33 AM »
If I have a lot of buffers loaded and (brief) hit Alt-B then hold down Alt-D (or just hit it rapidly) to delete a number of them then they disappear at a rate of 2 to 3 / sec.  This isn't as bad as in the early betas, but it is a lot worse than B4 or SE17 where buffers could be killed at full auto-repeat.  File tagging has also slowed down again, though again not to the same extent as in the early betas.

I should note that my files are nearly all C/C++ and mounted on network drives. (Win7 x64)