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SlickEdit® / Re: Slickedit no longer detected when open files are modified.
« Last post by Dan on January 23, 2025, 02:57:32 PM »
Can you double check Tools>Options, File Options>Load>Auto reload?
SlickEdit® / Slickedit no longer detected when open files are modified.
« Last post by mpenacho on January 23, 2025, 02:06:00 PM »
I'm running on LinuxMint (And I just noticed, I never upgraded this instance - it's still running Slickedit 2022).  I've used this install of Slickedit for at least a couple of years (I upgraded Mint a couple of years ago, and installed everything again from scratch).  Yesterday I noticed that I'm no longer prompted for a reload when another program modifies a file I have open.  That definitely was not the case the day before - I have files open that change when I compile almost all of the time.  I've rebooted my Linux box, but haven't reinstalled Slickedit yet (and hope to not have to).  Any suggestions on where to look/settings/what to try next?
SlickEdit® / Re: Minor issue: Text truncation on Dropbox download pages
« Last post by Clark on January 22, 2025, 08:55:56 PM »
I totally agree with your GUI assessment for Dropbox. That's why we initially used Google Drive until we realized that the performance of Google Drive for some customers made it unusable. At least with a bad looking UI you can still quickly download installers.
SlickEdit® / Re: Minor issue: Text truncation on Dropbox download pages
« Last post by JimmieC on January 22, 2025, 08:09:58 PM »
I wasn't sure if Dropbox allowed user configuration of field placement, etc. I kind-of figured it didn't. I don't dislike Dropbox in general, I use the free version.

In my opinion, the "Modern UI" in general is ridiculous and looks like it was made for kids. It's like "Mattel, my first computer". Tons of unneeded white-space to insure large amounts of scrolling. Lots of wasted white-space on the sides. Big swoopy letters. Usually way to many large graphics.

Dropbox has adopted the "Modern UI" along with just about everyone else (except for the SE forum, thank goodness). Even Windows is going there. Stuff that used to be shown concise on Control Panel is now large bars across the screen in settings. I had to select "tight/compressed" view for Outlook & File Explorer. Ubuntu File Explorer looks childlike compared to Windows File Explorer (Little Tikes My First File Explorer). Yet I digress.... Apologies for the rant..!
SlickEdit® / Re: Minor issue: Text truncation on Dropbox download pages
« Last post by Clark on January 22, 2025, 07:20:00 PM »
Nothing we can do about it. It's a dropbox issue. We went with dropbox because it's performance is MUCH better. It's also much more stable. Also, it doesn't have the bizarre forced download to zip file issue that Google Drive has. There are couple GUI issues though. IMO dropbox is WAAAAAAY better that Google Drive or One Drive.
SlickEdit® / Minor issue: Text truncation on Dropbox download pages
« Last post by JimmieC on January 22, 2025, 06:34:52 PM »
The text is truncated on the Dropbox download page. There is a way to the file/folder names but it is not ideal. This is a MINOR issue.

See attached image:
Thanks, Clark.

My workflow revolves around SlickEdit and switching to some other editor just to edit HTML files seems unnecessary. So much of programming has moved to the front-end these days that others will find this functionality useful too.
SlickEdit® / Re: Regression in spell checker. Seems to have trouble with the word "It"
« Last post by Clark on January 21, 2025, 09:38:16 PM »
It's the same issue. It's a case sensitivity issue. Oddly it's more random than I would have thought due to the hashing algorithm.
SlickEdit® / Re: Regression in spell checker. Seems to have trouble with the word "It"
« Last post by Dan on January 21, 2025, 07:03:30 PM »
I just ran into a similar case with "If". I can email an example if you need, but I imagine it's the same issue.
Thanks. Fixed for 29.0.1. No date set yet. Probably February or March.
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