« Last post by JimmieC on January 22, 2025, 08:09:58 PM »
I wasn't sure if Dropbox allowed user configuration of field placement, etc. I kind-of figured it didn't. I don't dislike Dropbox in general, I use the free version.
In my opinion, the "Modern UI" in general is ridiculous and looks like it was made for kids. It's like "Mattel, my first computer". Tons of unneeded white-space to insure large amounts of scrolling. Lots of wasted white-space on the sides. Big swoopy letters. Usually way to many large graphics.
Dropbox has adopted the "Modern UI" along with just about everyone else (except for the SE forum, thank goodness). Even Windows is going there. Stuff that used to be shown concise on Control Panel is now large bars across the screen in settings. I had to select "tight/compressed" view for Outlook & File Explorer. Ubuntu File Explorer looks childlike compared to Windows File Explorer (Little Tikes My First File Explorer). Yet I digress.... Apologies for the rant..!