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SlickEdit® / Re: Debugging in SlickEdit
« Last post by Clark on February 18, 2025, 09:58:09 PM »
That means the Build menu items should be for a single file project. What Build menu items do you see when a python file is active?

I see:
Python Options
Add New Build Tool...

Execute works for me. Does it work for you?

I can also use Debug>Step Into or set a break point and use Debug>Start
SlickEdit® / Re: Debugging in SlickEdit
« Last post by gkl on February 18, 2025, 08:51:12 PM »
There is no such option though, it is greyed out (as in attached image).
SlickEdit® / Re: Debugging in SlickEdit
« Last post by Clark on February 17, 2025, 01:35:00 PM »
If Project>Close Workspace is enabled, you have a workspace open that can be closed. Maybe I misunderstood your post "I did this and the Build menu options seem to be the ones referring to a Python project, not a single-file one."
SlickEdit® / Re: Debugging in SlickEdit
« Last post by gkl on February 17, 2025, 09:21:18 AM »
I don't think I have any workspace open, this is how I add the file - that would count as a single-file project, would it not?
SlickEdit® / Re: slickedit v28.0.2.0 breaking my ssh-agent (Windows)
« Last post by Clark on February 15, 2025, 06:05:23 PM »
Hot fix added to v29.0.1 so that "git" does not get run by default. Also fixed an issue where git gets run even though auto detect has been turned off.
SlickEdit® / slickedit v28.0.2.0 breaking my ssh-agent (Windows)
« Last post by jaymmartin on February 15, 2025, 07:13:17 AM »
After much confusion, it seems that slickedit is messing with my ssh-agent.    I use openssh via cygwin for networking.   I also use Git which uses ssh, but only on the command line.  Well, I wanted to use slickedit to only create check in messages on git commits (instead of using vim or notepad).  I do not use slickedit Git integration and have never explicitly enabled it.   I use a file socket pointed to by a user wide SSH_AUTH_SOCK environmental variable.   After doing a (local only) "git commit" and writing a check-in message.  I saw two behaviors in my confused thrashing: either the socket file was deleted with the ssh-agent still running or a duplicate ssh-agent was created with an empty key database.  My brute force solution is to unset SSH_AUTH_SOCK in my run slickedit scripts.   
SlickEdit® / Re: Debugging in SlickEdit
« Last post by Clark on February 14, 2025, 07:19:37 PM »
Single file projects are only active when there is no workspace open. You must close your workspace.
SlickEdit® / Re: Debugging in SlickEdit
« Last post by gkl on February 14, 2025, 06:58:49 PM »
Dear Clark,

I did this and the Build menu options seem to be the ones referring to a Python project, not a single-file one. The debugger fails with the same error message.

Best Regards,
SlickEdit® / Re: Debugging in SlickEdit
« Last post by Clark on February 14, 2025, 03:19:14 AM »
Try to rule our a SlickEdit config issue by using a default configuration. Sounds like Python file projects are broken due to a configuration change.

Start with new config like this:

vs -sc c:\temp\newconfigdir
SlickEdit® / Re: Debugging in SlickEdit
« Last post by gkl on February 13, 2025, 11:47:25 PM »
Dear Clark,

I uninstalled 3.13 and installed 3.12. If I have the Python file as part of a Python project, I can run the execute command. If I have it as a stand-alone file project, then all commands in the Build menu are greyed out. The debugger fails with the same message as in 3.13 in both cases.

If it helps, these problems started since I tried the Attach Debugger for Python option, but then I uninstalled SlickEdit with the user preferences as well and used a programme (Revo Uninstaller) in order to delete leftovers as well and did a clean re-install as well. Any ideas?

Best Regards,
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