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SlickEdit® / Re: Code annotation menu options greyed out
« Last post by Clark on December 05, 2024, 12:58:09 AM »
Reproduced. We will look into this.
SlickEdit® / Code annotation menu options greyed out
« Last post by rjpontefract on December 04, 2024, 09:27:19 PM »
Running SE (Hotfix 19) on Windows 11.
I have the code annotations window docked and the list of annotations looks fine.  Left clicking show the appropriate text in the comment window.  The toolbar buttons on the top right are all active apart from the second to last with the up/right facing arrow on the bottom left of the icon (it has no tooltip so I don't know what it does).
However, right clicking on an annotation in the list shows a menu (new, copy, delete etc.) but all options are greyed out an unusable.  As I can edit or delete using the toolbar buttons I'm surprised I can't use the menu to to the same.
SlickEdit® / Re: Recovering from corrupt vrestore.xml
« Last post by pbrightly on December 04, 2024, 01:31:12 AM »
PS. Now that I'm aware of it, I've also utilized the Tools->Options->Export all options.  Good thing to have.
SlickEdit® / Re: Recovering from corrupt vrestore.xml
« Last post by pbrightly on December 04, 2024, 01:26:19 AM »
The bad news is, there were 3 backup versions listed.  They were corrupt.  I need to run a scan on my disk -- I've found other files that look the same.  All null bytes.

The good news is, I'm very lucky. I'd copied my config to my personal computer several months ago, and it's pretty similar. Got most of my config back. Happy happy.

Macros were  never in danger. I've always backed those up.  Now I know another file to backup!
SlickEdit® / Re: Recovering from corrupt vrestore.xml
« Last post by Clark on December 03, 2024, 11:14:11 PM »
auto-restore (vrestore.xml/vrestore.slk) does not  effect what's stored in user.cfg.xml which is most of your configuration changes. vrestore stores previous session information (tool windows/tool bar layouts, debug session info, bookmarks, window layouts, files to auto restore and settings for those loaded files).

Please post if you can your trashed vrestore.xml (or vrestore.slk if you don't have vrestore.xml).

Here's what I recommend:

* Delete vrestore.xml and vrestore.slk if they exist.
* Start SlickEdit and check your fonts, colors profiles, aliases, etc.
* If your config is messed up, edit user.cfg.xml. Then use File>Backup History for user.cfg.xml and restore it to a previous version. SlickEdit's keeps Backup History on user.cfg.xml because it's very important. vrestore.xml/vrestore.slk isn't that important.

If your macro files no longer exist on your hard disk, that's not a SlickEdit issue. Use Backup History to restore them. The most recent version would correspond to your last save.
SlickEdit® / Recovering from corrupt vrestore.xml
« Last post by pbrightly on December 03, 2024, 10:35:38 PM »
I rebooted this morning and coming back, Slick said my vrestore was corrupt "Wanna restore??".  Not sure if I'm an idiot for it, but I said "sure".  I lost all my macros, colors, key defs, alias..  Is there another backup I'm missing?  I guess it's time to rebuild.

I've got about 15 macro files (from over the last 30 years), which I loaded from vusrmods.e.
Got my keys back from keydefs.e.

- Where is my font config?  I use IBM Plex Mono Smbld across the board.  Not a big deal, I reconfigured it.
- Where are my custom colors stored?  I had a very custom color config.
- How about my alias?  I've got a few hundred.  I see my old alias file.  Any way to import that?

I saw a faq on exporting all options. But I'd like a list of key files I should backup for something like this.
SlickEdit® / Cmake project generator does not strip comma
« Last post by Dennis on December 03, 2024, 04:39:21 PM »
Given this CMakefile.txt:
Code: [Select]
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.12)

project(DeckOfCards, LANGUAGES CXX)





add_executable(DeckOfCards ${SOURCES})

It generates these files:
Code: [Select]
BUILD_ALL.vpj   CMakeFiles           DeckOfCards.vpj   DeckOfCards,.vpwhistuxml  Makefile
CMakeCache.txt  cmake_install.cmake  DeckOfCards,.vpw  DeckOfCards,.vtg

Note the extra comma in the workspace file name.
Features and/or Improvements / Re: Relative Line numbers in the margin
« Last post by Phileosophos on December 03, 2024, 12:33:42 AM »
Bump! The Vim keymap helps a lot, but having relative line numbers would make it so much better.
SlickEdit® / Re: PASV error on save
« Last post by jorick on November 30, 2024, 04:10:03 PM »
Good grief, I'm a ditz!  :-[  After reading your explanation, I figured that the website was logging me out after a minute or two.  The first save logs back in but maybe SE is getting confused about receiving a login response and generates the error.  The second save actually saves the file.

I turned on keep-alive and now it's working perfectly.  I just have to remember to log out at the end of the session.
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