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Features and/or Improvements / Re: File tab collection
« Last post by dunkers on August 20, 2024, 09:23:10 PM »
Many thanks, Graham. Again! Don't know why I couldn't find that, except perhaps I was looking for save-named-files, although I'm sure I tried both variants.

I will try copying to a custom file (so updates don't erase it) and experiment.
Features and/or Improvements / Re: File tab collection
« Last post by Graeme on August 20, 2024, 08:39:46 PM »
also meant to say, the "Files" toolwindow allows you to select and close multiple files at the same time.
Features and/or Improvements / Re: File tab collection
« Last post by Graeme on August 20, 2024, 08:36:48 PM »
The source code is at restore.e line 2100

on the slick command line, type
fp save-named-files
and it should find it

The command allows you to specify a name for the set of files - you could prefix the name with the name of the project perhaps.
The save_named_files command looks like this
_command void save_named_files(_str sectionName="") name_info(',') {
VSCFGPROFILE_NAMED_FILES is the string "named_files"

This ends up in user.cfg.xml as this
   <misc.named_files n="misc.named_files" version="1">
      <p n="gp1">

So theoretically you can change the string to the name of your project or workspace or something and it might do what you want, and same with load_named_files.
Another possibility is to copy the code for save_named_state and experiment.  Unfortunately I don't know anything about the xmlcfg stuff or profiles.  I suspect that you can supply a filename in the call to _xmlcfg_create and it will write to that file instead of user.cfg.xml.  The VSCFGPACKAGE_MISC thing is the string "misc"  - which I guess results in the "misc.named_files" bit you can see above
_plugin_get_profile seems to be in the core code and you don't get a choice of where it goes looking for the profile, so if you specify your own filename in the call to xmlcfg_create, it will never find the profile  - but maybe that doesn't matter, I do not know.

Code: [Select]
   if (profile_handle<0) {
      int profile_node=_xmlcfg_add(profile_handle,0,VSXMLCFG_PROFILE,VSXMLCFG_NODE_ELEMENT_START,VSXMLCFG_ADD_AS_CHILD);

Features and/or Improvements / Re: File tab collection
« Last post by dunkers on August 20, 2024, 06:43:20 PM »
Me again :)

save-named-files turns out not to be appropriate - it saves/loads to/from some global config, where I really want it to be per project. Obviously, loading tabs from a different project which have the same filenames can lead to serious mistakes, although I suppose there might be some use for it.

So, no problem: just find the macro and copy it to modify. Except I can't find it anywhere. Seems to be in the blob for which no source is provided.

Is that correct, or am I just no looking in the right place?
SlickEdit® / Re: Excluding symbolic links
« Last post by joecar on August 20, 2024, 04:39:42 PM »
Graeme, thanks, I'll try that.
When I right-click in a selection that contains hidden lines, it would be nice for "Copy Visible" to be on the context menu.
SlickEdit® / Re: Excluding symbolic links
« Last post by Clark on August 20, 2024, 02:27:41 PM »
I was incorrect. By default, SlickEdit has symbolic link support disabled. I have corrected my previous post. An invocation option must be used to enable some level of symbolic link support.
SlickEdit® / Re: Excluding symbolic links
« Last post by Graeme on August 20, 2024, 07:30:07 AM »
You can use the "import" button in the project properties dialog to import the list of files and folders from a text file.

Theoretically you should be able to create a file list for importing, using the windows dir command
dir /s /b /a-L

/s recurse
/b bare format
/a-L   files that do not have the L attribute  - this is for "reparse points" i.e. symlinks and junctions

However the /a-L switch is not working for me.  /a-L gets me nothing,  /aL gets me everything.
Maybe it will work better for you.
Also you can exclude folders with /A-D.
SlickEdit® / Re: Excluding symbolic links
« Last post by joecar on August 19, 2024, 11:43:04 PM »
More specifically, I was looking for being able to exclude following symlinks in the Add Tree project dialog

( i.e. Project Properties -> Files -> Add Tree )

SlickEdit® / Re: Excluding symbolic links
« Last post by Clark on August 19, 2024, 07:17:03 PM »
SlickEdit does have some support for symlinks on Windows. By default, symbolic link support is off. Specify the +ssymlinkdirs invocation option if you want SlickEdit to recognize symbolic links directories. Specify the +ssymlink invocation option if you want SlickEdit to recognize symbolic links in files and directories. Checking for symbolic links on Windows is expensive even with caching optimizations. On Windows, SlickEdit doesn't have features for excluding symbolic links in various ways.
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