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Archived Beta Discussions => SlickEdit 201x Beta Discussions => SlickEdit 2018 v23 Beta Discussion => Topic started by: jporkkahtc on October 05, 2018, 02:48:27 PM

Title: Beautifer Profile override path
Post by: jporkkahtc on October 05, 2018, 02:48:27 PM
Once I set a profile override and save it, when I return to the profile overrides dialog it doesn't display the path for the override.

Hmmm...the meaning of path here is weird.
I'm guessing, that slick loads .seeditorconfig.xml from whereever it finds it first?
The search order being current buffer path, project path then workspace path?

Rather than "Path:", a better thing would be a Load button that lets you pick a .seeditorconfig.xml  to load.
When the dialog opens, it should auto-load the default profile.
Path: just displays the full path of the currently loaded .seeditorconfig.xml .