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Features and/or Improvements / Re: AI code generator integrations
« Last post by Graeme on Today at 03:05:58 AM »
You could have vscode running side by side with slickedit and write a slick macro to switch to vscode passing the current file, line number and column

code.exe --goto _mdi.p_child.p_buf_name : _mdi.p_child.p_line : _mdi.p_child.p_col

Features and/or Improvements / Re: AI code generator integrations
« Last post by adsouza on October 29, 2024, 08:50:57 PM »
I'd like to see github copilot integration with slickedit asap. Just got an enterprise license for copilot and I'd be forced to go to visual studio code if I want to use it.
SlickEdit® / Re: Alias expansion with maco call
« Last post by vandermyer on October 25, 2024, 08:19:35 AM »
Thanks Clarke. Work nicely!
SlickEdit® / Re: Alias expansion with maco call
« Last post by Clark on October 24, 2024, 02:39:46 PM »
That won't work for multiple reasons. There is a global scope built-in upcase() function but %\m doesn't support calling global built-in functions (design flaw in Slick-C). Also, the first % will terminate the function call. "%\m upcase %" is what gets parsed and no arguments are passed to upcase.

Put the following code in a .e file and load it. Maybe call the file "insert_upcase_bufname.e".

_str insert_upcase_bufname() {
   return upcase(p_buf_name);

Then %\m insert-upcase-bufname% will insert the buffer name in upper case.
SlickEdit® / Alias expansion with maco call
« Last post by vandermyer on October 24, 2024, 12:59:34 PM »
Hello All,

I would like to create an alias that (amongst other things) includes the file name (using sequence %\fn) but translated to upper case. I have tried various options like this: %\m upcase %\fn%, but cannot make it work. Inserting the file name works, it's the upper case bit that doesn't.

Is this possible, and if so how? Thanks.
Features and/or Improvements / Re: Search and Replace toolwindows have disappeared
« Last post by Graeme on October 19, 2024, 07:36:48 AM »
vrestore.slk was pretty much binary but vrestore.xml sounds like text - or perhaps ascii encoded binary  -  but editable.  If you flick through it you will probably find a section for toolwindows where the location and size of the toolwindow is stored.  If you run slick in a new empty configuration folder  ve.exe +new -sc some-empty-folder   - then look at the title bar to get an idea of the name of the toolwindow and search for that name in vrestore.xml   - then copy that section of xml into the misbehaving vrestore.xml  - or something similar.  Or run a diff on two copies of vrestore.xml where the only difference is the size/location of the two toolwindows you're interested in.
Features and/or Improvements / Re: Search and Replace toolwindows have disappeared
« Last post by ebbe on October 19, 2024, 07:22:40 AM »
Thanks for the advice.

After a bit of experimenting I have found out that the Find and Replace windows are not SE Toolwindows (they are probably ordinary dialog windows) and therefore the Alt+Space M trick does work on them.

As for tbResetAll or renaming vrestore.xml (it was vrestore.slk up to and including SE v27), this will have to wait till Monday as the problem is on my work PC.
You can easily record a macro to do this.
Features and/or Improvements / Re: Search and Replace toolwindows have disappeared
« Last post by Graeme on October 18, 2024, 10:45:01 PM »
This might help.,10149.msg42884.html#msg42884

You could also try closing slick and renaming vrestore.slk (it might be vrestore.xml now) to something like vrestore.bak - but that will lose a bunch of stuff compared to tbResetAll.
You could also try the windows alt+space then "M" to move the hidden window when it has the focus.
SlickEdit® / Re: How to launch SlickEdit from a Windows command line?
« Last post by TheHumbleOne on October 18, 2024, 07:51:30 PM »
Dan, that worked. Thanks.
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