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SlickEdit® / Re: Sales::Lead Time for Reply
« Last post by Clark on August 28, 2024, 11:49:48 PM »
Your email went to our spam folder. You will get an email shortly.

Emails from slickedit should be from @slickedit and not gmail.
SlickEdit® / Sales::Lead Time for Reply
« Last post by unixman on August 28, 2024, 10:50:21 AM »
Just wondering what the general turn around for a Pro purchase is after emailing sales?

It's been a few days already and my trial license is due to expire in 3 days.

I did receive a suspicious email from a Gmail account.  It looked and smelt like spam/phishing so I deleted it.

There was no mention of SlickEdit in the email but the attached PDF invoice value was very similar to what I'd expect to pay for the Pro license (after taking foreign exchange rates into account).

Not to concerned about the lead time, just worried I deleted an email I should have paid more attention to.

Kind regards
SlickEdit® / Re: Searching compressed files in Workspace
« Last post by Clark on August 27, 2024, 08:14:31 PM »
At the moment, _mffind2 is similar to the multi-find dialog which only supports searching within compressed files (MFFIND_LOOKINZIPFILES) when the "Look in subfolders" option is given and a directory is specified. Not only are special file specifications not supported (i.e <Workspace>) but also MFFIND_LOOKINZIPFILES is not supported for a non recursive single directory search.
SlickEdit® / Searching compressed files in Workspace
« Last post by Dennis on August 27, 2024, 02:23:51 PM »
I have a workspace that consists of many compressed log files (wildcard = *.log.gz)

When I search within the workspace, matches within the compressed files are excluded.
Code: [Select]

When I do a generalized directory search, it works properly (provided I make the wildcards slightly more general)
Code: [Select]
_mffind2("Behavior",'I',"+t /home/uname/RUN-708/",'*log*','',"4160",'0','0','0','');

When searching the workspace, it does indicate that all the files are searched, but it must be neglecting to actually search the compressed files.
Code: [Select]
Total found: 10277     Matching files: 5     Total files searched: 1788    time: 1.00s
SlickEdit® / Re: MAC OS Monterey SlickEdit Performance
« Last post by Clark on August 27, 2024, 01:34:12 PM »
You can request a free 15 day trial for SE2023 (v28) here to see if it fixes your performance problem:

There have been changes made to address screen refresh performance. There are no options for these changes.
SlickEdit® / MAC OS Monterey SlickEdit Performance
« Last post by asherjackson on August 27, 2024, 02:09:03 AM »
I updated to MAC OS Monterey a few days ago and SlickEdit performance has been very laggy. Much slower response time than I'm used to. I've seen this with both SE2020 and SE2021. Are others having this issue? Any work-arounds or parameter adjustments I could make? It seems that anything that draws new windows is painfully slow (I keybind the find dialog and it seems to take >1.5sec to draw it each time). I have 5k retina iMac and have left the settings for SlickEdit the same for a while. The SE Mac Retina Display is in auto detect and the macOS faster editor scrolling is turned on.
Features and/or Improvements / Re: region markers in defs tool window
« Last post by Graeme on August 26, 2024, 09:44:10 PM »
ok, is there any way you could trick the defs toolwindow into showing what you want.  If you right click in the defs window and select "others" there's a few mysterious things there.

Is running a search off a single keystroke and using search results not good enough?

I might be able to sketch up some slick C code for a toolwindow in the next couple of weeks that you can play with, if you can suggest how it would work.  It might be possible to change the defs toolwindow source code to show them too.
Features and/or Improvements / Re: region markers in defs tool window
« Last post by IkerAriz on August 26, 2024, 01:36:24 PM »
Hi Graeme. I gave bookmarks a good spin some years ago with your help (see here - thanks again) but in the end they didn't wear well.

Features and/or Improvements / Re: region markers in defs tool window
« Last post by Graeme on August 25, 2024, 11:47:04 PM »
You could set a bookmark at the start of each region and use the overview bar to go there quickly - in minifind you can set multiple bookmarks in one step.  Slick seems to have support for dotnet #region so maybe you can use that.  You can also write/record a macro to run a search from a single keystroke that brings up a list of them all.  It's also not especially hard to write your own toolwindow that showed a list of them all.
Features and/or Improvements / region markers in defs tool window
« Last post by IkerAriz on August 25, 2024, 10:02:28 PM »
Any chance the Defs tool window - or perhaps a new type of tool window - could gain support for showing user-defined region markers/blocks? This would be very useful when working with large files that have multiple "logical" sections (and which cannot be split into smaller files for whatever reason). 

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