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More control in general over the columns of file tool windows would be useful in other situations as well. For instance, when the Projects tool window is set to "Directory View" mode the file path column only get in the way - it'd be nice to hide it altogether (first requested here).

SlickEdit® / Re: Excluding symbolic links
« Last post by joecar on August 22, 2024, 08:58:37 PM »
$0.02 suggestion:

see attached, would skip symlinks, i.e. not add a file resulting from following a symlink.

This would avoid "duplicate" files, makes it easier to navigate tagged objects.
SlickEdit® / Re: Excluding symbolic links
« Last post by Graeme on August 22, 2024, 02:57:32 AM »
From Gemini

Code: [Select]
using System;
using System.IO;

namespace ListFilesExcludingSymbolicLinks
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string folderPath = @"C:\Your\Folder\Path"; // Replace with the actual folder path

                foreach (string filePath in Directory.EnumerateFiles(folderPath))
                    FileAttributes fileAttributes = File.GetAttributes(filePath);

                    // Check if the file is a symbolic link
                    if ((fileAttributes & FileAttributes.ReparsePoint) == FileAttributes.ReparsePoint)
                        Console.WriteLine($"Skipping symbolic link: {filePath}");

            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine($"Error: {ex.Message}");

1. Create a new C# console application project.
2. Paste the code into the Program.cs file.
3. Replace the placeholder folder path with the actual path you want to scan.
4. Run the application.
SlickEdit® / Re: Excluding symbolic links
« Last post by Graeme on August 22, 2024, 02:52:34 AM »
ok, good.  I've discovered that all the files in the folder I was testing with have the "L" attribute - most likely because it's within my OneDrive folder.  You could probably ask Gemini or Github copilot to write you a windows app that can output a list of "non-symbolic" files and folders!  The dir command knows which files in my onedrive folder are real symbolic links.
SlickEdit® / Re: Process files when switching Git branches
« Last post by Clark on August 21, 2024, 04:35:04 PM »
There is auto reload code to compare the file on disk to the file in memory. However, this logic doesn't occur if the file indicates it's already modified. Not sure if this can be improved.

You could try using worktrees. Switching within the same tree definitely causes issues.

     git worktree add /some/new/tree/path some-branch-or-tag
SlickEdit® / Re: Excluding symbolic links
« Last post by joecar on August 21, 2024, 04:12:09 PM »
I appear to be getting correct display for dir /al and dir /a-l.
SlickEdit® / Re: Alphabetize Lines
« Last post by Dan on August 21, 2024, 02:34:25 PM »
If you want to alphabetize by the whole line, try selecting the lines you want and run "sort-within-selection" on the SlickEdit command line. I don't think that it is on a menu.
SlickEdit® / Re: Alphabetize Lines
« Last post by edwardn9 on August 21, 2024, 02:33:48 PM »
Use select-line (ctrl-L in CUA mode) to select the lines to be sorted.
Use Esc to get to the command line.
Enter command "sort-within-selection UI" to sort the lines.  Adjust options to your liking.
I frequently hit Esc and scroll up to my previous usage of the sort command (and a few others).
SlickEdit® / Alphabetize Lines
« Last post by dashley on August 21, 2024, 02:18:15 PM »
How do I alphabetize a set of lines in a file (not the whole file)? There does not seem to be an options to perform such a basic task.
David Ashley
SlickEdit® / Process files when switching Git branches
« Last post by beauharlan on August 21, 2024, 07:04:47 AM »
Hello, When I branched Git from the command line and returned to SlickEdit, I was prompted to reload changed files, including some that had been deleted. Since I know I'll be switching back to the root branch soon, I don't want to save the deleted files (to avoid Git seeing them as new files). I just want to keep them in SlickEdit's cache. When I switch back to the root branch and reload the files in SlickEdit, the previously deleted files are still marked as modified (in red) in the cache list. I have to open each file and Undo to get rid of the "modified" status.

Is there a way to make SlickEdit automatically recognize that these files are identical to the original without me having to manually work on each file? Or is there another method to handle this situation more effectively?
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