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SlickEdit® / Re: insert_file_list() limited to 60 entries in 28.0.2 hotfix 19 ?
« Last post by Clark on December 09, 2024, 02:07:22 AM »
get_line() will only get the current line which will only be a partial line if it got split into multiple lines.
You either need to use a larger FORCE_WRAP_LINE_LEN or check the _lineflags()&VSLF_EOL_MISSING and fetch multiple lines if necessary.
SlickEdit® / Re: insert_file_list() limited to 60 entries in 28.0.2 hotfix 19 ?
« Last post by rowbearto on December 08, 2024, 05:39:34 PM »
I think file is loaded into Slickedit buffer using _create_temp_view() and get():

Code: [Select]
      int idOrig = _create_temp_view(idTmp);
      if(idOrig == '')
         _message_box("Error creating temp view of ini file.");
         return false;
      s_idIni = idTmp;
SlickEdit® / Re: insert_file_list() limited to 60 entries in 28.0.2 hotfix 19 ?
« Last post by rowbearto on December 08, 2024, 05:35:14 PM »
I think the 2000 limit is because I have this in my initial SE configuration setup:

Code: [Select]
   // See:,15914.0.html - originally put
   // it at 8000.
   // But then see:,16732.0.html, putting
   // back to 2000
   _default_option(VSOPTION_FORCE_WRAP_LINE_LEN, 2000);
SlickEdit® / Re: insert_file_list() limited to 60 entries in 28.0.2 hotfix 19 ?
« Last post by rowbearto on December 08, 2024, 05:32:46 PM »
Followed your suggestion Clark to add say (I added dsay as I like looking at a log file).

From here I deduced the issue is not in insert_file_list(), my macro is passing it something that is already truncated to 2000 characters.

The macro takes in a text file with information about what to add to the project and in Slick-C reads it line by line.

The problem is that when it calls get_line() the resulting line is truncated to 2000 characters while the actual line is much longer than 2000 characters.

Maybe you can offer a suggestion how I can handle this.

The particular get_line() that the macro calls can be seen in github here:

The .ini file with the specification of all wildcard files to add to the project is in a .ini file. This ini file is loaded into a buffer in SlickEdit. Then get_line() is executed to read it line by line. But it can only handle 2000 characters on a line.

I need to think about how to modify to handle something like this and your insight would be real useful.

Is there a way for this macro to load the buffer without this 2000 character limitation?

SlickEdit® / Re: insert_file_list() limited to 60 entries in 28.0.2 hotfix 19 ?
« Last post by Clark on December 07, 2024, 03:45:06 PM »
say() will clip the results but that's ok. ~5k should be more than enough for me to get the idea.
SlickEdit® / Re: insert_file_list() limited to 60 entries in 28.0.2 hotfix 19 ?
« Last post by Clark on December 07, 2024, 03:26:00 PM »
It would helpful if you could post the value of "cmd"

say('list:    'cmd);

It's probably best to post a file attachment with the value.

SlickEdit® / insert_file_list() limited to 60 entries in 28.0.2 hotfix 19 ?
« Last post by rowbearto on December 06, 2024, 09:03:08 PM »
I'm using a macro that invokes insert_file_list():

In one case it passes to insert_file_list() 430 file specs such as "dir1/**/*.c;dir1/**/*.cc; etc"

I found that insert_file_list() seems to only take into account the first 60 file specs then ignores the remaining ones after 60.

If instead of calling insert_file_list() with 430 file specs I call it 7 times with 60 file specs and 1 time with 10 file specs then it adds all of them to the project.

Generating the project file with a previous version of SE/hotfix (don't know which previous version it was, but I had it stored in version control) didn't seem to have this issue and insert_file_list() was able to handle 430 file specs.

So was this changed to limit to 60 in version 28.0.2/hf19 or a version previous to it?
SlickEdit® / Re: Minimap font size
« Last post by Clark on December 06, 2024, 07:59:23 PM »
We will need steps on how to reproduce this.
SlickEdit® / Re: Minimap font size
« Last post by LBCEi on December 06, 2024, 07:45:31 PM »
Sorry for letting this lie for so long.  I tried your suggestion (actually now using V29, which still shows the same issue when using my normal config folder).

Interestingly with the clean config, it seems to show the opposite problem.  The minimap font is extremely tiny.

Let me know if you have any other suggestions or I can provide any further information.
SlickEdit® / Re: Code annotation menu options greyed out
« Last post by Clark on December 05, 2024, 01:10:25 PM »
Only the most recent major version gets new hot fixes.
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