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SlickEdit® / Re: SE v28 & v29 Project->Properties->Add Tree not working
« Last post by Dan on February 11, 2025, 09:11:32 PM »
It turns out that another team has changed...

I hate when that happens  ;)
SlickEdit® / Re: SE v28 & v29 Project->Properties->Add Tree not working
« Last post by JimmieC on February 11, 2025, 09:04:43 PM »
Hey Dan,
Thanks for prompting me to look into the path further. It turns out that another team has changed the directory structure. I corrected my path and now it is working.

SlickEdit® / Re: SE v28 & v29 Project->Properties->Add Tree not working
« Last post by Dan on February 11, 2025, 08:58:38 PM »
What happens if you go to the SlickEdit command line and type "list <path>/*.c", or one of the other wildcards that you know will exist?
SlickEdit® / SE v28 & v29 Project->Properties->Add Tree not working
« Last post by JimmieC on February 11, 2025, 08:55:00 PM »
I am attempting to add files to a new project with Add Tree.
The file filter is: *.c; *.cpp; *.h; *.js; *.html; *.txt; *.cmd; *.hex; *.map; *.bat; *.asm; *.h28; *.s28

Recursive is checked. I do not want Wildcard. However, no files are added. I found this with v28, then I downloaded v29 and found the same issue. Our company has updated the PC's to
Win-11-64bit. There is also a bunch of corporate "safety-ware" such as CrowdStrike & ForcePoint. We do not have "real" Admin permissions but have an option to "Run Elevated". I ran the installation(s) and the application as "Elevated" so folder permissions "should" not be an issue. I have created many projects in the past using Add Tree. So, it may be something to do with my local PC.?

Any ideas?
SlickEdit® / What Hotfix to use with v28.0.1.0
« Last post by JimmieC on February 11, 2025, 07:44:12 PM »
I have SlickEdit Pro 2023 (v28.0.1.0 64-bit Qt5) with Hotfix

Can I use Hotfix 2023 (v28.0.2) on top of

I don't recall if the value (v28.0.2) is the version it will be brought "up-to" OR the minimum version the user must have to use the patch.?
SlickEdit® / Re: How to Upgrade SlickEdit to a New Release?
« Last post by Clark on February 11, 2025, 03:36:30 PM »
Sounds like macOS no longer supports overwrite. Didn't know that.
On Windows, overwriting an installations will probably break uninstalling because it will totally confuse the registry.

Since Linux installs are just a file copy, no problem overwriting an install there.

The downside to overwriting an installation is that files are never removed even if they are no longer needed and this does happen. It's not a disk space issue. Just possibly confusing if you care whether a file is needed or not.

Uninstalling does not delete your configuration
SlickEdit® / Re: How to Upgrade SlickEdit to a New Release?
« Last post by bsun on February 11, 2025, 02:37:04 PM »
Thanks for the reply. While I still have some questions.

1. On macOS, I tried installing the new release directly but failed. Please check the attached pictures.
2. On Windows and Linux, when installing, I changed the destination directory to "SlickEdit Pro." Can I also do the overwrite installation?
3. On Windows and Linux, if I uninstall the old version and then install the new release, will all my configuration be kept?
Features and/or Improvements / Improvement for
« Last post by Dan on February 11, 2025, 02:18:30 PM »
In Go this sort of thing is pretty common:

Code: [Select]
func Test_X(<params>) {
   mockFunc1 := func(<params>) {
      // code goes here, but indent and SmartPaste
      // typically line up with declaration of mockFunc1

In the cases I've been dealing with, mockFunc1 is usually a mock REST API function, but it's not uncommon in Go for other things. But it would be terrific if SmartPaste and other indenting functions worked with it.
Features and/or Improvements / Re: workspace-list, project-list commands
« Last post by Dan on February 11, 2025, 02:15:15 PM »
I would use this too, currently for go files. I have workspaces setup, but generally need the current project. But sometimes, the workspace.
Features and/or Improvements / workspace-list, project-list commands
« Last post by Dennis on February 11, 2025, 02:09:14 PM »
I'd like a command that is like the "list" or "dir" command line commands, but restricted to the files in the current workspace or project.  This would allow me to type "workspace-list test*drop*.py", to list all the files in the workspace that match the pattern.  I can use "list" but then I have to either be in the right current working directory or specify the base directory.  This way I could get straight to the business of listing the files.  I know I can do this with the Files tool window, but I'm a command line junky.
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