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Features and/or Improvements / Re: Relative Line numbers in the margin
« Last post by Phileosophos on December 03, 2024, 12:33:42 AM »
Bump! The Vim keymap helps a lot, but having relative line numbers would make it so much better.
SlickEdit® / Re: PASV error on save
« Last post by jorick on November 30, 2024, 04:10:03 PM »
Good grief, I'm a ditz!  :-[  After reading your explanation, I figured that the website was logging me out after a minute or two.  The first save logs back in but maybe SE is getting confused about receiving a login response and generates the error.  The second save actually saves the file.

I turned on keep-alive and now it's working perfectly.  I just have to remember to log out at the end of the session.
SlickEdit® / Re: PASV error on save
« Last post by Clark on November 27, 2024, 10:16:23 PM »
That's an FTP error. Displayed by macros/ftpq.e line 3950. It looks like it's receiving an unrecognized response. It's trying to parse an address but the address format isn't recognized or is just garbage. There probably isn't a simple work around for this because it can't continue without the address information.

I can't tell more than that without being able to debug the actual ftp site.
SlickEdit® / PASV error on save
« Last post by jorick on November 27, 2024, 06:46:04 PM »
I'm developing a web page in PHP, and almost every time I save the file, I get the following error dialog box pop up:

Could not determine address/port from PASV

After clicking OK, I save the file again and it works.  What causes this, and is there a way to get around it?

The only time I don't get the error is if I save it again within about a minute of the previous save.

Method of saving:
1) Click Save icon on toolbar
2) Answer Save Now? dialog
3) Get the error popup, click OK
4) Click Save icon on toolbar again

SlickEdit Pro 2023 (v28.0.0.6 64-bit Qt5)

Serial number: [redacted]
Licensed number of users: Single user
License file: C:\ProgramData\slickedit\28\slickedit.lic

Build Date: November 24, 2023
Emulation: CodeWright

OS: Windows 10 x64
OS Version: 10.00.0 
Memory: 85% Load, 6943MB/8076MB Physical, 23077MB/32652MB Page File, 5765MB/134217727MB Virtual
Shell Information: C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe /q
Screen Size: 1920 x 1080 (0 0 1920 1080)

Project Type: Single file project - Other
Language: .php (HTML)
Encoding: UTF-8, no signature

Installation Directory: C:\Program Files\SlickEdit Pro 28.0.0\ (non-removable drive,NTFS,1674475MB free)
Configuration Directory: C:\Users\ricky\AppData\Local\SlickEdit\28.0.0\ (non-removable drive,NTFS,1674475MB free)
Migrated from: C:\Users\ricky\OneDrive\Documents\My SlickEdit Config\24.0.0\
Spill File: C:\Users\ricky\AppData\Local\Temp\slkspill.ricky.15648 (non-removable drive,NTFS,1674475MB free)
SlickEdit® / Re: Unable to debug on macOS
« Last post by Clark on November 27, 2024, 01:48:36 AM »
A hot fix is available for this (hot fix 1 for v29). The hot fix automatically adds this clang compiler option if necessary.

You can download the hot fix from here:

Then load the hot fix: Help>Product Updates>Load Hot Fix...

Build or Rebuid your application after loading the hot fix and restarting SlickEdit.
SlickEdit® / Re: Unable to debug on macOS
« Last post by rjpontefract on November 26, 2024, 10:56:58 PM »
Thank you, it's very much appreciated.
SlickEdit® / Re: Unable to debug on macOS
« Last post by Clark on November 26, 2024, 10:30:17 PM »
Here's the fix for getting SlickEdit's LLDB debugging working on Sequoia with Xcode 16 (clang 16):
* Open your SlickEdit LLDB Workspace/Project
* Go to Project>Properties
* Select the Tools Tab
* Select the Compile tool
* Select the "Debug" configuration
* Click on "Options..."
* Select the Compile tab
* Set "Other Options:" to -fdebug-default-version=4
* Press OK on the clang++ Options dialog
* Press OK on the Project Properties dialog
* Rebuild or Build your application
SlickEdit® / Re: SlickEdit v29 license file ?
« Last post by Clark on November 26, 2024, 05:14:11 PM »
SlickEdit stopped selling maintenance and support prior to the release of v28.

To get upgrade pricing, email your license file.

If you have a current installation of SlickEdit, the location of your license file is displayed in Help>About SlickEdit...
SlickEdit® / Re: SlickEdit v29 license file ?
« Last post by mako on November 26, 2024, 04:15:24 PM »
I'm on maintenance. Is there a way I can download my v29 license, similar to the way it used to work, or do I need to email sales?

At least I think my employer has me on maintenance. I read in another thread that there is no longer a maintenance program?
SlickEdit® / Re: Minimize custom structures
« Last post by Marcel.Kummer on November 26, 2024, 05:37:07 AM »
'Outline' was off. I was on a wrong path there.
It did the trick to switch it on chooosing 'Indent'.
Thank you very much.
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