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Archived Beta Discussions => SlickEdit 201x Beta Discussions => SlickEdit 2018 v23 Beta Discussion => Topic started by: Graeme on October 22, 2018, 02:44:12 AM

Title: _time('F') seems wrong
Post by: Graeme on October 22, 2018, 02:44:12 AM
The help for _time('F') says this.  For hh I'm getting 02 when its 3:40 pm.  Is there some timezone adjustment on this?  With 'T' option I get 3:40pm.
Timezone here is UTC + 12:00 and we're in one hour daylight saving mode.
I'm trying to use current time-date in a filename.

* <dt>'F'</dt><dd>Return time in the format YYYYMMDDhhmmssfff
 * where YYYY is the year, MM is the month,
 * DD is the day, hh is an hour between 0 and 23,
 * mm is the minutes between 0 and 59, ss is the
 * seconds between 0 and 59, and fff is the fractional
 * second, in milliseconds.</dd>

Code: [Select]
_command void testtime() name_info(',')

Title: Re: _time('F') seems wrong
Post by: Clark on October 22, 2018, 04:37:10 PM
Docs need to be fixed. This is UTC time.

You can get the local time with _time('M')