Author Topic: why absolute file path is always used instead of relative file path ?  (Read 1611 times)


  • Junior Community Member
  • Posts: 5
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why absolute file path is always used instead of relative file path in bookmark, search , defs window?

we always get full source code from git , and copy previous vpj and vpw to this new folder,
but there is absolute file path in bookmarks, so it cann't work;
how to fix it?


  • Senior Community Member
  • Posts: 2812
  • Hero Points: 347
Just checked in some of my project files  -  bookmarks are stored with a relative path in the vpwhist file.  In the bookmarks tool-window they're shown as absolute path but that doesn't mean they're stored as an absolute path.  Search for "BOOKMARK2" in the .vpwhist and check how the path is stored.  You might find your bookmarks work.