Author Topic: Order of Yes/No/Cancel SlickEddialog buttons in KDE vs XFCE, how to change XFCE?  (Read 2007 times)


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This is not necessarily a SlickEdit question, but I figure Slickedit devs or users may know the answer. It does impact how SlickEdit displays dialog boxes.

I recently changed from using KDE to XFCE desktop environment.

In KDE, in the SlickEdit dialog to close an unsaved file the order of Yes/No/Cancel buttons is Yes/No/Cancel.

I have attached screenshot as 'kde_order.png'

But in XFCE, the same SlickEdit dialog shows the buttons in a different order: Cancel/Yes/No.

Screenshot "xfce_order.png" shows the reverse order in XFCE.

I want to change XFCE to use the order I'm used to in KDE.

I did various internet searches, but couldn't find a good answer.

A bunch of pages said to change gtk-alternative-button-order = 1 in ~/.gtkrc-3.0/settings.xml

I tried that but it didn't change the order.

Any ideas?


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Surprised I didn't notice this because my primary dev machine is Ubuntu 19 running Cinnamon Desktop. We looked into this and Qt has a way to always arrange these buttons like KDE. We will make this change for v27. The change looks harmless but we still want this to be beta tested. This makes sense for SlickEdit because most of the dialogs are modeled after Windows and the KDE order is exactly like Windows for this particular dialog.


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Thanks Clark. I've noticed this order not just on the dialog I wrote about but on other dialogs as well. Would be nice if you could change all of them.

If you happen to know how, or discover how to change this in the desktop environment, especially XFCE, I'd be very interested in knowing.


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The v27 change I'm talking about would change the order of ALL dialogs which use _message_box() in SlickEdit. This uses Qt's QMessageBox class.

I don't know if it's possible to reconfigure this in the desktop environment. I did notice that Qt is attempting to fetch the "gtk-alternative-button-order" option setting for this order but that doesn't mean it will work. You could try this with the Qt5 Linux version of SlickEdit. The default Linux 64-bit installer is Qt 4.


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Could you please make this change in v28? I recently pressed "Yes" when I meant to press "No".


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Thanks for the reminder. We will change this for 27.0.2. No date set yet.