I've looked into the issue of setting breakpoints in .mxml files from within the SlickEdit editor in Flex Builder 3, and it is not going to work without us implementing something to interact with the com.adobe.flexbuilder.debug plug-ins. We had to do the same so that we could set CDT and JDT breakpoints. This is something I would definitely like to do, and I'm filing a feature request to accomplish this for the next release.
The issue of implementing full tagging support for mxml is a much more daunting task than the breakpoint issue, and I think anything we can do to interact better with Flex Builder is a worthy investment. I've had some time to download and run the 60 day trial, and I think it's a great product. I would love for SlickEdit Core to be better integrated with this IDE.
Allow me to answer some of your Slick-C programming questions about _eclipse_execute_command:
also, what are the second and third args for this function?
Just look at the javadoc for the function
and whats the difference between this and _eclipse_dispatchCommand?
_eclipse_dispatchCommand is for internal SlickEdit commands only...don't worry about this function, _eclipse_execute_command is what you want to mess with.
btw, sometimes when I run _eclipse_execute_command I get a notification that "Command 'XXXXX' is either disabled or not handled. This is usually because the command is specific to a different editor".
The javadoc and Help topic touch on this problem, but basically Eclipse commands need handlers, and we can only execute those commands from within the SlickEdit editor for which we have a handler. So for example, one reason why you would get this message is if you are trying to execute a command that is specific to the functionality in another editor...it won't work, we don't have the handler available.
Be careful though, I think you might also get this error if you make a typo in the command name...so always double check.
- Ryan