Author Topic: How to open a Linux version of slickedit project with a Windows Slickedit?  (Read 2524 times)


  • New Community Member
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I have a slickedit project used to be created and opened by Linux version of slickedit. Now, I want to use the Windows version of slickedit to open it while I can also access all of the source files in the project under Windows via Samba service.
Is there any solution for this kind of case? I took a look into the .vpj file
, the path of files in project are all Linux style, i.e. /rootdir/2nddir/3rddir/.../a.c. I thought, there might be something like path mapping mechanism which can let the slickedit to find the right path even in windows.  Thanks in advance.


  • Senior Community Member
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Windows understands forward slash as separator and the pathnames in the project file are relative to the location of the project file itself.  Have you tried opening the workspace and project files from Windows?  Maybe backup the workspace and project files first if you want to continue to use them from the Linux version of Slickedit.

When you create a new project, slick allows you to import the names of the files to include in the project from an external file, so if you need to re-create the project, that might be the quickest way to do it.

[Edit] except that tag files need to be local for efficiency so I don't think that will work.
« Last Edit: June 06, 2012, 09:17:31 AM by Graeme »